

Executes WP-CLI commands.


	wp::command { 'resource title':
		location => # The location to run the command
		command  => # The WP-CLI command to run
		user     => # The user to run the command as.
		unless   => # A test command that checks the state of the target system and restricts when the command can run
		onlyif   => # A test command that checks the state of the target system and restricts when the exec can run.


The directory from which to run the command. If this directory does not exist, the command will fail.


The actual command to execute. For example of you wanted to run wp --info you would to the following:

    wp::command { 'WP-CLI Info':
        location => '/vagrant',
        command  => '--info',


(If omitted, this attribute’s value defaults to www-data.)


(If omitted, this attribute’s value defaults to undef which Puppet treats as false.)

A test command that checks the state of the target system and restricts when the exec can run.


(If omitted, this attribute’s value defaults to /usr/local/bin/wp core is-installed.)

You can pass one or more checks into Puppet for this. e.g.

    wp::command { 'WP-CLI Info':
        location => '/vagrant'
        command  => '--info',
        onlyif   => [
          '/usr/local/bin/wp core is-installed',
          '/usr/local/bin/wp theme is-active twentynineteen',